Travel the world. Pay less in taxes.
Become free. In 10 minutes a week.

Travel the world.
Pay less in taxes.
Become free.
In 10 minutes a week.

Ahhh… Dreaming of a life with no boss, no taxes, and no winter?

Join 1,066 other global freedom-seekers learning about location independence, sovereignty, and personal freedom.

Plus, get our 3-phase internationalization checklist for free.

1,066 subscribers

“Thank you for starting the Freedom Files. I revert back to your essays weekly to make sure I’m on the right track.”

Location independence

Location independence

Earth emoji




How free are you?

Are you more free than you were 5 years ago?

The last few years have scared the living sh*t out of me:

Closed travel routes. More and higher taxes. Forced medical procedures. Frozen bank accounts. Social media censorship. More government regulations.

I want to control my destiny. I want to determine how I earn money, who I spend time with, how and where I live, how much I pay in taxes, and what I think and say.

Because you’re here and still reading, I think you believe the same thing as I do: Freedom is radical diversification and internationalization.

So my goal for you is simple:

To help you do what you want, how you want, where you want.


growing plant emoji

Start an online business

Start an online business


Learn another langauge

Learn another langauge

money bag emoji

Take advantage of geoarbitrage

Take advantage of geoarbitrage


Get another residency

Get another residency

Income streams

Establish multiple income streams

Establish multiple income streams


Open offshore bank accounts

Open offshore bank accounts

Earth emoji

Get another citizenship

Get another citizenship

Reduce your tax liability

Reduce your tax liability

muscle emoji

Become location independent

Become location independent

Wait! Location freedom is near

I started an online business, lived in 10 countries, learned a new language, bought international real estate, and got residency in Latin America – all within 2 years.

It’s possible! So I made a checklist to guide you on your journey to an international life. 

I’ll send it to you ASAP. Just fill out the form below.