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18 lessons I’ve learned in 18 months growing my business in Latin America

TL;DR — I went from a W2 employee to a full-time entrepreneur with no plan. Then I added to the discomfort by moving to another continent. 18 months later, this is what I’ve learned.

I quit my job on June 7, 2021. That same day, I started my own company and was off to the races.

In November 2021, I left the United States and settled in Latin America.

My health, business and bank accounts have benefitted.

Here’s what I’ve learned now 18 months later:

1) People are the true X factor to any location

Nope. Not walkability, cost of living or access to fresh foods. The people and culture will make or break your experience. Default to a friendly, happy, loving people.

2) When shopping residencies & passports, optimize for happiness – not taxes

On your death bed, I guarantee you’re not thinking about how much you gave your local government and how they wasted all your funds. (They did, but that’s beside the point.) “Go where you’re treated best.”

lessons learned of living in latin america

3) Make decisions one time

For example, never bring bad food into your home. Make the one decision at the grocery store not to buy shit food. Then you don’t have to restrain yourself at home 100x.

4) Learning a new language unlocks another part of your brain

Apart from being able to speak with people from around the world you didn’t know before, you now think in a completely different way. Opportunities await you. Only upside.

5) Sometimes, making it hard on yourself is worth it

Because you learn how not to do things. Which is as valuable as learning how to do things.

6) Community matters

I don’t care what the gurus say – You’re not meant to be a lone wolf. We’re social creatures. Reach up and connect with those 6 months, 1 year, 5 years ahead of you on the journey.

7) Whatever you’re worried about is not the end of the world


8) Writing helps you learn about yourself & the world

Write every day and you’ll unlock opportunities you didn’t previously have access to.

9) Publishing every day will only accelerate those opportunities

10) The more interesting life you live, the more money you make

The more you do, the more people you meet, the more experiences you have, the more luck surface area you create for yourself. Get off the couch. Get out of your comfort zone. And live.

lessons learned of living in latin america

11) Don’t ask? Don’t receive

Don’t be afraid to reach out – even to those who intimidate you. Don’t put anyone on a pedestal. Even billionaires wear pants. What’s the worst that could happen?

12) Trust me, they’re not thinking about what you think they’re thinking about

Whether it’s your clients, your friends and family, your coworkers or whatever – They’re not thinking about you. So screw ‘em. Do what makes you happy even if they might not approve.

13) Stagnation is the enemy. Failure is your enemy’s enemy

My life flipped 180° when I began taking calculated risks. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Because what’s on the other side of those errors is lessons you’ll never learn if you don’t make them.

14) The ethical choice is the right choice

If you’re a good person, you’ll drive yourself crazy worrying about a moral vs. immoral decision. They’re emotionally draining, so default to your values.

15) You don’t have to have an opinion on everything

This should go without saying. But it today’s hyperconnected world, society expects you to take a stance on every issue. Don’t.

16) Envision the end & map out the habits needed to build up to it

This is a high ROI activity. Where do you want to be a year from now? 5 years? At the end of your life? Map it out and determine which habits will lead you to those stages in life.

lessons learned of living in latin america

17) Arguing online is a surefire way to be miserable

I can’t think of a bigger waste of time than worrying about anonymous internet users’ opinions.

18) Spend as little time on social media as possible

My health benefitted when I started using social media the right way – to build an audience and community. Stop comparing yourself to others. This is the reason for Gen Z being “anxious” all the time. You are on your little journey.

Sound interesting? Follow along with my journey to freedom in the Freedom Files. Or on Twitter.

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What should I cover next?

I have a question for you:

If I were to dedicate the next Freedom Files YouTube video to you and one challenge you’re facing right now, what would that issue be?

Typically, I get something like the following:

  • I can’t find a remote job
  • I don’t know the right long-term location for me
  • I don’t know how to start a business
  • I am a digital nomad but haven’t settled in a country
  • I pay way too much in taxes and need a solution
  • I want to invest in countries before they are popular

Let me know by emailing or DMing me. I’ll write about it publicly because many others likely have the same challenge as you do.

Location freedom is near

I started an online business, lived in 10 countries, learned a new language, bought international real estate, and got residency in Latin America – all within 2 years.

It’s possible! I made a checklist to help you live your relocation dream. 

I’ll send it to you ASAP. Just fill out the form below.