18 ways to instantly become more free

TL;DR — You feel trapped and stagnant. I promise there’s a way out of that scenario and to a better life. Take my advice from completely flipping my life to a positive direction in the last two years.

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Want to unlock a whole new life for yourself like I have? Here are 18 ways to instantly become more free – paired with my personal advice from taking action on many of them.

1. Accumulate assets

When I started making money online, I really just let it sit in my bank account while I worked on growing the business. While this is fine if you have a high-yielding savings account, most don’t.

So make your money work for you. Invest in other assets like real estate and businesses. Don’t be passive about this stuff.

Note: This is not financial advice 😆

2. Learn about Bitcoin

One my favorite assets is Bitcoin.

While I don’t have 100% of my net worth in Bitcoin, I think it’s an incredible project with a noble cause to prevent tyrannical governments from exerting too much power over its citizenry. You could argue many have already.

Bitcoin is decentralized, scarce and highly secure. That sounds like freedom to me.

I started investing in Bitcoin after I read this book. It’s great for beginners.

3. Reset your business infrastructure

I have an LLC for my content marketing business. I recently converted it to an S-corp which will likely save me tens of thousands of dollars in taxes over the next few years. But it’s only the right choice if you reach a certain profit threshold.

Talk with your accountant or check out YouTube to learn more about the right moves.

4. Become more curious

Two years ago, I made a conscious choice to default to curiosity. My life wouldn’t have changed so dramatically over the last two years if I hadn’t.

Never stop learning. Never stop exploring. Never stop moving. Stagnation is the enemy. And when you become more curious about yourself and the world around you, new doors will open.

5. Clean up your diet

A healthy body equals a healthy mind. Can’t tell you how much of a difference my diet has made in my business and my life.

And it was most noticeable when I moved to Colombia, where I have MUCH better access to fresh fruits and veggies and pasture-raised meats.

Microplastics, sugar and processed foods are killing you. Time to make a change.

Butcher shop in Medellín, Colombia

6. Start your own business

If you consider yourself entrepreneurial, you should create something.

Now, you don’t necessarily have to quit your job and start a business ASAP. But start hustling on the side. Help people overcome something you’ve overcome.

The ultimate job security is one you control – not one that controls you.

7. Diversify your flags

Moving out of the United States opened my eyes to the possibilities elsewhere in the world.

World travel opens you to new opportunities you would’ve never seen if you remained in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Diversify your residency, citizenship, banking and business to minimize your reliance on any specific country. Comes in handy should your government go rogue one day. Hint hint, it probably did in 2020.

This is another reason I’m getting Colombian residency.

8. Geoarbitrage

Earn dollars. Spend pesos. Compensate in rupees.

All my clients are in the United States and pay me in American dollars. But I live and spend my money in Colombia, where the cost of living is far cheaper. So I save about 5x more than I did when I lived in the States.

Tim Ferriss quote about earning in dollars, spending in pesos

9. Commit to peak health & fitness

You owe it to yourself and your family to be here on Earth as long as possible. Like your diet, you should dedicate yourself to peak fitness.

I’ve noticed when I don’t work out, my brain suffers. Now, I’m in the best shape of my life due to my exercise habits.

10. Invest

Note: Again, not investment advice. I’m just a dude! 🤣

Index funds and mutual funds. For me that’s the name of the game. I don’t have the mental bandwidth to be trading stocks every day.

11. Try out monk mode

Monk mode is when you go off the radar for an extended period of time and focus on a specific task. For me this is almost always growing my business.

I spend a month in a new city away from friends and family and work my ass off. What usually results is tremendous progress. I’ll take that.

12. Outsource low-leverage tasks

There came a time in my solopreneur business when I realized I shouldn’t be doing a lot of the administrative stuff. It just wasn’t worth my time.

So I hired someone who could. Now I delegate things I’m not good at and things I don’t enjoy to free myself up to focus on more strategic things.

Note: Scroll up to #8 to learn who you should hire.

13. Become more productive

Batch similar tasks. Learn what time of day you work best. Enjoy a mid-day workout to reenergize you for the afternoon.

These are all things I’ve learned that have made me more money in less time this year. Want more tips?

14. Productize your business

If you run your own business, time is precious. The more you save of it, the more you get to spend it elsewhere.

Especially if you run a services business like I do, try as hard as you can to turn that service into a product.

For example, I run a content marketing business. We create and publish written and video content for our clients. To take back a lot of our time, we have strict structure around how we work with clients, the process we take them through and how we get paid.

15. Quit your job

You’re too smart to spend 20% of your life in a job you hate.

If you hate your job or despise your boss, why not quit and do something you love? Even if it’s just another 9-5.

It’s a big decision but will lead you to a better life. Take the leap.

16. Optimize your time

Control is key to freedom. The more leverage you have over your schedule, the more freedom you enjoy.

Make this mental shift: Take control of your time. Prioritize it over money. Value it. Prioritize stuff that aligns with your long-term goals and delegate the minutae.

Attach a dollar amount to an hour of your time and see if scrolling TikTok is worth 30 minutes of your time. Wink wink, it’s not.

17. Reduce your taxes

Running your own business in the United States is a great way to save money on taxes. The second best way? Travel.

If you spend 35 or fewer days in the country or set up a tax residency elsewhere in the world, your first $125,000 of income is tax-free. Thanks, IRS.

Here are 3 ways I reduced my taxes last year.

18. Travel

I always knew I wanted to see more of the world. But school and a 9-5 job were holding me back.

Now I run my own business and have lived in 7 countries in the last 18 months. I’m happier and healthier than I’ve ever been. That’s no coincidence.

Traveling exposes you to new cultures, people, ideas, food and ways of living. It’s one of the most enriching experiences I’ve had.

If you need some help, this essay is a good start.

James exploring the jungle in Boquete, Panamá

18 ways to instantly become more free. Which one(s) are you doing next?

DM or email me. I’d love to hear from you honestly.

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What should I cover next?

I have a question for you:

If I were to dedicate the next Freedom Files YouTube video to you and one challenge you’re facing right now, what would that issue be?

Typically, I get something like the following:

  • I can’t find a remote job
  • I don’t know the right long-term location for me
  • I don’t know how to start a business
  • I am a digital nomad but haven’t settled in a country
  • I pay way too much in taxes and need a solution
  • I want to invest in countries before they are popular

Let me know by emailing or DMing me. I’ll write about it publicly because many others likely have the same challenge as you do.

Location freedom is near

I started an online business, lived in 10 countries, learned a new language, bought international real estate, and got residency in Latin America – all within 2 years.

It’s possible! I made a checklist to help you live your relocation dream. 

I’ll send it to you ASAP. Just fill out the form below.