Freedom outside the land of the free

Freedom outside the “land of the free”: 10 reasons why I left the USA

I abandoned life in the United States for Latin America. Why? 10 reasons, including reducing my taxes abroad, experiencing new cultures, and enjoying a healthy lifestyle.
Steal my 5-goal framework to make meaningful progress in 2024

Steal my 5-goal framework to make meaningful progress in 2024

Teachers taught you wrong. Gurus told you wrong. This is the definitive, five-goal framework to make sure your next year is the best you've ever had. Copy my template and win 2024.
Feeling stagnant? 5 deceptively simple changes I made to flip my life 180 degrees

Feeling stagnant? 5 deceptively simple changes I made to flip my life 180 degrees

Two years ago, I was stuck. I took these 5 simple steps to completely flip my life on its head and become the healthiest, happiest and richest I’ve ever been. If I can, you can too.
Healthier, happier & in love: How 1 year in Latin America changed my life

Healthier, happier & in love: How 1 year in Latin America changed my life

A lot can change in a year. I went from a gray Midwest city in the United States to the healthiest, happiest and most in love I’ve ever been. If I can do it, you can too.
Get an ungodly amount of work done in half the time as normies: Add these 5 things to your daily routine immediately

Get an ungodly amount of work done in half the time as normies: Add these 5 things to your daily routine immediately

As an entrepreneur, discipline is your best friend. Get way more done in way less time by adding these 5 things to your daily routine. They helped me!
The “pursuit of happiness” is a lie

The “pursuit of happiness” is a lie

You’ve been forcefed a lie about chasing happiness for your whole life. Instead, choose happiness by moving to a setting that encourages it, not one that makes you work to “acquire” it.

Location freedom is near

I started an online business, lived in 10 countries, learned a new language, bought international real estate, and got residency in Latin America – all within 2 years.

It’s possible! I made a checklist to help you live your relocation dream. 

I’ll send it to you ASAP. Just fill out the form below.