Shocking predictions from this 1997 book & how I'm preparing for the future

Shocking predictions from this 1997 book & how I’m preparing for the future

The Sovereign Individual made some mindblowing predictions (like cryptocurrency and tax havens) about the future. And they were right. Here’s what they said and how I’m preparing.
Can digital nomadism eliminate your taxes? 3 optimal strategies for life abroad

Can digital nomadism eliminate your taxes? 3 optimal strategies for life abroad

Looking to optimize taxes and live in the most desirable countries in the world? You can optimize digital nomadism for financial freedom AND adventure.
Freedom outside the land of the free

Freedom outside the “land of the free”: 10 reasons why I left the USA

I abandoned life in the United States for Latin America. Why? 10 reasons, including reducing my taxes abroad, experiencing new cultures, and enjoying a healthy lifestyle.
I've lived in the Third World for 3 years: 10 important lessons I've learned

I’ve lived in the Third World for 3 years: 10 important lessons I’ve learned

I've lived in "Third World" Latin America for 3 years, and I've learned a ton about happiness, tax reduction, relationships, the world, and my role in it. Learn from my mistakes and lessons.
From Europe or Canada? Follow these 3 steps to EASILY & LEGALLY erase taxes from your life

From Europe or Canada? Follow these 3 steps to EASILY & LEGALLY erase taxes from your life

Non-Americans, reduce your taxes to single digits legally within a year. Yes, I'm serious. Follow these 3 steps to cut economic ties, establish residency in a tax-friendly country, and enjoy low-tax living.
10-year master plan: My vision for absolute sovereignty by 2034

10-year master plan: My vision for absolute sovereignty by 2034

My last few years have laid the foundation. In the next decade, these are my 6 goals for financial freedom, location independence and self-sovereignty. Follow along!
18 lessons I’ve learned in 18 months growing my business in Latin America

18 lessons I’ve learned in 18 months growing my business in Latin America

I went from a W2 employee to a full-time entrepreneur with no plan. Then I added to the discomfort by moving to another continent. 18 months later, this is what I’ve learned.
Why you have to travel to find yourself (& 3 reasons it’ll ruin you)

Why you have to travel to find yourself (& 3 reasons it’ll ruin you)

Nomadism is lauded as a cool, adventurous paradise. And it is. Until you find yourself alone, renting your life away, far from any sense of home. Here’s why I recommend you nomad – then stop.

Location freedom is near

I started an online business, lived in 10 countries, learned a new language, bought international real estate, and got residency in Latin America – all within 2 years.

It’s possible! I made a checklist to help you live your relocation dream. 

I’ll send it to you ASAP. Just fill out the form below.