LatAm tax havens: My top 5 Latin American countries for ZERO personal income tax

Did you know you can live in Latin America year-round and not pay any income tax? Here are the best low-tax countries in LatAm for digital nomads and expats.
Can digital nomadism eliminate your taxes? 3 optimal strategies for life abroad

Can digital nomadism eliminate your taxes? 3 optimal strategies for life abroad

Looking to optimize taxes and live in the most desirable countries in the world? You can optimize digital nomadism for financial freedom AND adventure.
From Europe or Canada? Follow these 3 steps to EASILY & LEGALLY erase taxes from your life

From Europe or Canada? Follow these 3 steps to EASILY & LEGALLY erase taxes from your life

Non-Americans, reduce your taxes to single digits legally within a year. Yes, I'm serious. Follow these 3 steps to cut economic ties, establish residency in a tax-friendly country, and enjoy low-tax living.
5 reasons to stay home instead of moving abroad & exploring life outside your birth country

5 reasons to stay home instead of moving abroad & exploring life outside your country

In five minutes, if I can convince you to stay home instead of moving abroad, I’ll save you the hassle of relocating, reducing your taxes, and generally becoming more free.
4 reasons this U.S. expat won't renounce his citizenship – despite the taxes

4 reasons this U.S. expat won’t renounce his citizenship – despite the taxes

Despite having to pay taxes in a country I don't live, I'm not renouncing my U.S. citizenship yet. Learn 4 reasons why, as an expat, I continue to pay my birth country versus renouncing my citizenship and paying less tax elsewhere.
3 truths about the USA I wish I would’ve learned sooner

3 truths about the USA I wish I would’ve learned sooner

I'm two years into my grand Latin American adventure. And my relationship with my home country, the United States, has changed in three major ways.
3 ways I [legally] reduced my U.S. taxes to 12.1% & saved tens of thousands of dollars

3 ways I [legally] reduced my U.S. taxes to 12.1% & saved tens of thousands of dollars

I made six figures last year. Typically, I’d owe the government around 40%. I reduced my tax bill to just 12.1% using these three legal strategies.

Location freedom is near

I started an online business, lived in 10 countries, learned a new language, bought international real estate, and got residency in Latin America – all within 2 years.

It’s possible! I made a checklist to help you live your relocation dream. 

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